Happy lefties day!
As a lefty I've experienced a lot of negative experiences about being left handed. From never having desks, lamps, can openers, baseball gloves to My step-grandmother tied my left hand to the chair every day and would only let me use my right. I've been told I'm satanic for being lefthanded.
A few weeks ago I was writing a visitor badge for a visitor at work and he yelled at me that I made him uncomfortable and that I absolutely should not write with my left hand.
Still proud of my left handedness.
I was born left handed, they taught me in school/ or they beat the "devil" out of me. Now I am right handed. I didn't even know that I was left handed, until I had a brain scan at age 25.
I want a brain scan!
@LadyAlyxandrea, LOL
@LadyAlyxandrea, Here's the procedure, they shave your pubic area, then they shoot dye into your vain, you can feel it rushing up to your brain, it's pretty warm. Then they run you through, I forget if it's a CAT or MRI, but I do remember that its kind of uncomfortable, hopefully you will never need one.
@Woodron I've thought for a while it'd be a good idea because I have so many problems
@LadyAlyxandrea , I didn't have a choice, I had the scan, because I had brain surgery.....as a matter of fact, if I remember correctly, I had four
My Sister and my daughter are both lefties. Sounds like the guy who yelled at you was a nut bar.
Stupid on their part . I do think life is easier if you can use your right hand more , as you've pointed out a lot of things are made to work that way . But aside from that , whatever works for you . And please don't be too angry at your step Mom , she was only trying to help you learn how to function in a world that wasn't designed to make things easy for you , like doing exercises to strengthen your bones and muscles .
My step grandmother, who was trying to correct the evil out of me was not trying to help me function she was trying to exercise satan from me.
@LadyAlyxandrea That's horrible . My younger brother is left handed and I do remember them trying to get him to learn to write right handed , but not very hard , and not for very long , although I'm sure it seemed a lot longer to him than it did to me .
Sorry to hear that you've encountered such prejudice. You have every right to be proud.
You could have put the pen in your mouth and written that way. Do not practice as you want it to be as unreadable as possible.
Any thing that happens is natural, stands to reason.
Years ago I spied a left handed store in San Francisco and that got me to thinking that there might be one near you and that got me thinking that I should just search for a left handed store web site and here I am. I'm also sure that you're aware of the store and that this may be redundant. So here I am again.
Eh, this might explain some stuff. I write left. Throw right. Shoot left as a marksman but shoot right as a hockey player. I play guitar right which makes sense to me because the fret hand should be the smart hand, I figure.
Go on, save yourself. I'm a fricken mess.
Feel not bad. I play basketball right. I bat right. I am starting to punch right, and I'm better at ladder ball with my right
@LadyAlyxandrea Ladder ball? Google only leads to more questions. Suffice it to say that this is the first time I've been exposed to such a thing. Just saying.
@LadyAlyxandrea I'm better at using fire extinguishers with my left hand - faster and more accurate
@LadyAlyxandrea Paul McCartney only plays bass left handed. He writes and eats right handed. Or so I read.
@pixiedust Wait.. how do you know that one? rofl
I also do some things left handed but I figure it's because I had older siblings who were all left handed who taught me certain things.
Though I do remember it was easy to reverse learn through them being opposite me as well. (Mirror image).
Ok also Carpal Tunnel surgeries in both hands which shows I use both of them frequently.
@pixiedust I've done that "in training" but I'm a righty with that. lol
My excuse "My great grandfather was a fire chief".
And yes it's been a number of years since the two surgeries were done and I almost never have those nerve issues anymore. I highly recommend it to anyone with the condition. I woke up and the constant electric pain was gone.
I realize that the thing I discount is that I keyboard very quickly which means I'm very good at using both hands.
I can also do "Mirror Writing" which a typing teacher taught me about. That has to do with your brain I believe. I might have to Google that now? lol
You know it's much more efficient to use a computer mouse with your left hand; it frees up the right hand to more easily hit the return key and operate the number keyboard at the right.
I found out when I had nerve problems and couldn't use my right hand to guide the mouse. Took a while getting use to but it's far superior.
It's ergonomically better to switch mousing hands every couple of months or so. I mouse left at work and right at home (when I have a mouse at home).
Darn I could have donated my left handed baseball glove to you! Three older - left handed siblings. The struggle was real! (Oh yes and I'm right handed like both my parents!). lol
Also anyone who still believes that craziness is just nuts. It's right up there with black cats!