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God is A Scientific Exception - BionicDance

phxbillcee 10 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Is there a god? I don't care. God belongs in the world of the irrational and I have no desire to go there. No one persuaded me to believe this with argument. I was persuaded by the actions of others. The road to this belief started when I was in high school. I was in church, and a teen mother was there with her newborn. People were gathered around the teen in a supportive way. My friend told me under his breath that he thought the baby was an abomination and that she should have never been allowed in the doors. "It's a child" - I said to myself. His vitriol shocked me. That was the first step In my escape from that cave. Arguing whether to or whether not is unending, and I have better things to do.

Omots Level 7 Aug 14, 2018

jeez really just pay someone smart to check your argument before you commit to looking as stupid as is possible

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