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You may encounter a time wherein after many days of bitter tears and fighting, at last the clouds have broken and the light of compassion and understanding breaks upon a relationship. Any kind of relationship. In this moment, when you have been heard, where in the past you may not have been... you may be tempted to bring up another sensitive matter from a former time, which now, really is no longer important. Don’t do it. Let it go. Accept the peace as it is and let go of the past if it has no bearing on the present. Resist the urge to avenge your former arguments.

Anemynous 7 Aug 14

Enjoy being online again!

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0 and let live= stasis...door mats
don't survive


I always feel that if you've resolved something you move on. If there's any lingering resentment, you'll know because the clouds still haven't broken.

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