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Who, in your opinion, is the most overrated "great" actor? I have a hell of a time deciding among Tom Hanks, Robert de Niro, Samuel L. Jackson and Harrison Ford. But I think Robert de Niro, who always acts like Robert de Niro, takes the trophy.

JWDiaz 6 Jan 15

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I used to think de Niro until he did the "Meet The Parents" movies. Samual Jackson is up there, certainly. I guess I'd have to say Daniel Day Lewis then.
Worst actors are Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis. Ugh. But Cruise did a good job in "Magnolia" because his character was a mysoginistic asshole, so not a stretch at all for Mr Cruise.


Russell Crowe. I've never been able to understand what people saw in him. I liked a couple of his movies, but he had a great supporting cast. Him and Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise just played Tom Cruise all the time, and apparently people liked that.


Keanu Reeves for me!


Wife says Tom Cruise.... I agree.


Don't know about great, but Tom Cruise and Russel Crowe are certainly over rated.


I guess you never saw De Niro acting in his younger days. He was so good in the Godfather auditions that they didn't have a part for him but they knew he was it. So what they did? They gave him the young Vito Corleone part just to keep him around. De Niro at "Cape Fear" remake, "Taxi Driver" or "Raging Bull" and you got the actor. I don't consider Samuel L Jackson a great actor, neither Harrison Ford. So if you list them as great actors... YOU GOT A WINNER IN SAM L JACKSON because you did not included Tom Cruise. I understand sometimes you can only do what the script tells you to do. Icon character shouldn't make you a great actor. Tom Hanks overachieved any expectations of his TV beginning and he choses well, many turned down Forest Gump. You didn't mentioned if dead or alive. Somebody already mentioned John Wayne but I had seen worse during the days of studio actors. Sam L Jackson a great actor?

@JWDiaz I can tell you are a millenial... if didn't happened in front of your eyes... didn't happened. I don't even know if Sam L Jackson is that bad, he is always playing the same character, but he has his public just like Christopher Walken. But I don't blame De Niro for working now for money. You have to realize is what is being offered to him and the ones willing to pay his price. But I look at his body of work and I see Oscars before you were born. I am sure he don't want to play another gangster and he comes up and give you another watch him on "american hustle". Small part but powerful. A great phrase for you from the movie. "You know who we are I just hope that you know the sheik is who he said he is." Like Curly said "He crapped bigger than You".

@JWDiaz So you have no excuse for attacking De Niro because he did his Craft. Look at it as a veteran athlete hanging around for the money. No longer producing but still sells tickets. Funny nobody has mentioned Al Pacino... he been doing the Scent of a woman act for a long time. Watch De Niro's Cape Fear or Good Fellas. or Taxi Driver.


John wayne...


Disagree De Niro just gets typecast because hes so well known. I think George Clooney is the most overrated actor.


Hi JWDiaz,to me Tom Hanks is the greater actor,he take take parts being the person the character he plays,but Robert De Niro and Harrison Ford always seem to have the part of being the tough guy or CIA Agent who are super clever and then also Liam Neilson is nearly always the same as Robert De Niro and has to be an Admiral of the Navy or CIA tough guy,so it is hard to know the most over rated actor maybe Robert De Niro and Liam Neilson share the top over rated actor.but I still like them.


Excellent question. I really like all of them. I mean they're all good. But yeah, as much as it hurts to say, they are all overrated. De Niro would have been legit if he didn't do so many bad movies the last 15 years.

He will tell you... the money was good so it was worth the try for the money paid. Any actor will tell you. Is a money issue.


Tom Cruise and Mark Wahlberg. That was easy.

Can't stand either of them!

@Blizzard I concur throw in Will Farrell too... bleh!

Best Tom Cruise movie EVER!!!!

Tom gets killed over and over and over... it's GREAT!!

@HeyHiHullo Forgot Farrell. NOT a fan. I fucking hated Elf. And everything else he's been in.

@HeyHiHullo UGH YES the dude sucks. I'd throw in Adam Sandler too

But then there is "the last samurai "

@KKGator but I seem to like him ???
Maybe because of his patriotic SNL skit. Lol

tom cruise thinks he is a great actor.... wahlberg don't think that I think.

@HeyHiHullo Who thinks Farrell is a great actor? I guess we are going to define "Great" first to weed out 98% of all actors we hate. And then we can vote.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Wahlberg is an overactor, I don't buy it... reminds me of whiney bitch luke skywalker.... "...but I was going to Tosche Station to pick up power converters" wah wah wah boo fucking hoo!! /facepalm

@HeyHiHullo He did well in "The departed". They say every human was born to play one character. Acting is a very demanding profession. To sell an identity takes a lot of effort. Most guys in hollywood can't. It is that tough. Christopher Walken come to mind of just playing Walken and the hell with the script but he nailed it on Deer Hunter so did De Niro now that I remember. Why there were not a single female included in the list of "great" actors? I think oprah (and then again is she great?) fills that mold but there are worse than her for sure.

@GipsyOfNewSpain. In the effort to embrace equality, Kristen Stewart.

@KKGator Much appreciated. Many bimbos could be mentioned there too. I don't know if Raquel Welch was anything but cleavage and face.

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