So tired of the glass half full analogy.
Why does it have to be half full or half empty?
Can I drink it and enjoy the contents?
Am I allowed to fill it up?
Or is there a finite amount that I must ration?
Marshmallows in a vacuum are really interesting however.
How come me and my kid are the only ones that know the glass has three layers? One of water, one of air and the third layer where they interact.
When we were small , the standard size for a glass of milk with dinner , was 8 ounces . The fast food places , decided to make 16oz. the standard small size and fill us with sugars , which has made us obese and sick . A glass half empty is a very good thing !
I'm tired of the saying about cake. What am I supposed to do with it if I can't eat it? Is it a valid justification for eating someone else's?