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Schism Erupts In Pastafarian Church Over Acceptability Of Plastic Colanders


The little-known religion of Pastafarianism became a little less little known this week when a Massachusetts woman won the right to have her drivers license photo taken whilst wearing a colander atop her head – an important tenet of the faith.

The extra attention has brought a simmering dispute within the Church to the fore, namely what types of colander constitute acceptable religious attire. Progressives argue that any recognizable colander is acceptable, be it made of metal, plastic, or even collapsible silicone. The orthodox wing has a simple response to any pasta straining device that isn’t a dual-handled wide-holed metal colander...

OlderMusicGeek 7 Aug 15

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I like that Sunday go to meeting clothes is pirates garb.

When asked about religion, if I feel a bit on the jokey side, I tell them I'm a carbonara pastafarian.

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