Today is National Relaxation Day.
But I've never relaxed a single day in my life
It’s weird to have a day based on “relaxing”. Encouraged relaxation reminds of when someone says “be funny” or “say something smart” instead of accepting spontaneity. But...lest we challenge top down cultural norms.
After reading and watching all of your post you're one of the busiest people I've ever met in my life you're also pretty damn amazing and I salute you for your courage and your perseverance and your amazing spirit
I do my best. Hopefully here next year it'll be a lot better. Until then though lol
@LadyAlyxandrea I wish you the best of luck with your medical issues and I hope that you see nothing but Improvement in the times to come
@LadyAlyxandrea Sorry for my post I was attempting to be funny, apparently the fact that I hurt all over is not getting it done. I know you work a lot and are always doing stuff when you are not working. Do you have fun in your dreams, do not need to tell me, if you are like me I could relax more if what I drempt about actually happened. My work would be done when I arrived at work.
My entire life I have been programed that if I'm not working I am bad. I have severe anxiety if I take a day off. Even when I am on my day off that I'm allowed to have I sit on my couch filled with anxiety that I'm not doing stuff I should be doing.
When I go on actual vacations all I can think about is how much money I could be earning if I were working or how many things I should get done I even stress about unpacking when I get home while STILL on the vacation
Well who's fault is that? Some get to relax all the time others work their asses off. Why does it always look like those who work their asses off do all the work. Strange thing is that we get yelled at if we are not working all the time.
I've been so programed by society that if I take time off from work I have severe anxiety because I'm not at work.
So,howdoya sleep?tensed up?