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I have a bee hive and apparently the town I live in DOES have an ordinance about keeping bees, but so few people keep then that even fewer know about any ordinances.
Get this, their requirement is to keep a LOCKED chainlink fence, six feet hight WITH a chain link cover three feet from all sides of the hive to cage in the bees.

Me thinks they don't know what bees are.

Seems I have a neighbor how doesn't like me having bees in the back yard. Sad that I am so scary and unreasonable that it's easier to call the village that talk to a neighbor.
And people wonder why it feels like the world is going to crap.

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ThomasLevi 6 Aug 16

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The first time I saw you post about bee-keeping was about the same time I learned that my family down near Houston had started keeping bees. I am super proud of them. They're all going to bee school this fall. It's so awesome watching their experience on Facebook. They started a page for their honey.


Maybe when I move to Vermont I'll get bees.


Bees = life


I take my hat off to you and wish there were more beekeepers around. Apart from loving honey as a delicious accompaniment to my morning toast, I know it has therapeutic and antiseptic properties. We also need more bees in the countryside in order to polinate crops and even in our towns and cities, our gardens and parks would be less colourful places without our yellow and black friends!

I am struck speechless over the stupidity of the fence idea, so I have declined to even comment!


The fence is to keep kids from getting heavily stung, no?

That would be the fence around my yard, and theirs. and any kid stupid enough to get into a hive deserves to be stung to death, take them out of the gene pool.


I hope you have tagged and numbered each bee you don't want any rogue bees moving in and destroying the neighborhood!!!

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