Since the Chee-toh in Chief can't go 10 mins without a scandal here's just a few I predict will detonate at some point to come.
Trump will be photographed tweeting on the toilet in the George W. Bush Memorial Bathroom while he's calling some congresswoman a "3 at best."
Trump will be caught masturbating to a picture of Ivanka.
Trump will pitch a reality show concept where cameras follow him day and night being president. He calls the show Greatest President Ever! The show airs only on Fox News.
Trump gives the commencement address at Tuskegee University and tells the graduates they need to learn how to sound more white and exclusively vote Republican to better their chances at success.
Trumpp is video-recorded being teabagged by Putin and calling him "daddy."
Trump will be caught masturbating to a different picture of Ivanka. Ivanka takes out a restraining order prohibiting her father from coming within 100' of any photos of her.
Trump demands his daily briefings be presented to him in the form of a coloring book that a subordinate actually has to color for him.
None of those seem beyond the realm of possibility