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Are pro-life women inherently stupid? I assume we're all pro-choice on here. Imagine being so brainwashed by your religion that you think of yourself as nothing more than a potential vessel for new life, incapable of choice. That's psychological slavery.

TheDarkNolanite 6 Aug 16

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assume makes an ass of u and me.
I tend to think as pro-life as pro-birth once the unwanted baby is born then things get dicey on what society should do about it.

Had a friend that got pregnant, they found out that the fetus had cystic fibrosis. They considered abortion until the Grandparents convinced them otherwise (pledging xtian support to them). They got the baby. The cute little girl is 8 now. The kind has psychological temper issues (on top of medical issues). The joyful fun mother now has suicidal thoughts and is on anti-depressants, he grandfather passed away and the grandmother spends 6 months a year in Florida. So much for support. I'm surprised the couple have not divorced yet


First of all, don’t assume that we are all pro-choice. I happen to be, but that is because I don’t think the government has any business having laws about my body and my healthcare. There are no laws about men’s bodies, in America. I miscarried 3 times in my life and i mourned those babies. When you want a baby and you are pregnant, that fetus is a baby in your mind.

I don’t think anyone should make a woman have an abortion or make a woman have a baby, as long as the baby is not viable outside the womb. It is her body and her decision. If a man wants to have his feelings considered, then he had better have a relationship with that woman. Otherwise he should obstain until he has that relationship.


One thing I've learned here is that you can't assume anything. I'll throw this out and incur the wrath I've incurred before...what if she wants an abortion and he wants his kid? They both knew the risks of that intercourse. I'm ready for the "it's her body etc" but it's his kid that the court makes him pay for if she chooses to have it and he doesn't want it....bottom line, his kid too.
But getting to your point, how can you say the woman is pro-life but incapable of choice? Pretty sure that's a choice.

lerlo Level 8 Aug 16, 2018

Until men shoulder the same responsibility mentally, physically to carry the effects of having something using their body as a host the inherent risks are still on women.
Men miss this toll on the mind and body. They can physically abscond whether legally bound or not.

Abortions also aren't free and even in the most lackadaisical of women who find themselves in a situation where they wish to end it, it's not a party. Having been through one myself and accompanied friends in the past can confirm they're not painless.

While it does occasionally weigh on my mind, if I hadn't had that one would have 2 kids right now close in age, as a widow trying to make sure they're ok in life. I was just not ready nor able to shoulder another one a year 1/2 apart. I shouldn't even be answering this, it's nobody's business and I don't need to justify it, just illustrating that normal women in regular circumstances, along with their not planned out sisters in the same boat, should be able to dictate when and if they're ready to bring a child into this world.

And frankly, don't we have enough people on this spinning ball? No one ever mentions that. I don't think in the grand scheme of things, resource wise, quality of life for those of us already here, that this planet needs one more human added to it.

Edited for clarification & grammar.

And then there are men who claim they want it , just until it's too late to abort it , Then they walk away . Or the ones who claim they want it but are incapable of even taking care of themselves , much less an infant . Or the ones who have no intention ever of caring for the infant in any way shape or form , but feel guilty about causing an abortion, so they just lie .

@Cast1es yeah it's funny about that. Because there are the women who say they will have it and decide at the last minute not to. Or the ones that decide to leave the baby in the dumpster. You just can't trust people. But it's a nice way to get around whose baby it is.


I also wonder about the intelligence of some people out there who seem to contradict logic/reason: women who are pro-life/anti-abortion; women and non-white people who support Trump; nurses or public health professionals who are anti-vaccine; scientists who believe in God or another deity; and a specific example: I know a pharmacist who doesn't believe in macro-evolution even though he acknowledges the existence of micro-evolution. He's had to study/learn a wide variety of sciences that include microbiology and pharmacy courses related to how drugs and organisms affect one another, for example, bacteria evolving to be resistant to antibiotics, but he can't understand how humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor. Mind blowing to me.


I balk at the phrase "inherently stupid." Holding one singular belief does not negate an individual's ability to think rationally in other areas of their lives. I am pro-choice, but I know smart, valuable people who also happen to be "pro-life." I use the quotes because what they usually are is antiabortion. I can consider myself pro-life, but I'm probably gonna side with the life of the would-be mother.

Those quotation marks leave lots of wiggle room, don't they? ?


My niece is all about being pro-life and pro-breastfeeding. Because she's made being a welfare mom into her career. I've noticed there's a lot of pro-life trailer trash for the simple reason that they get rewarded financially for breeding. So there's that non-religious reason (unless money is your religion).


One would think, but there are all sorts on this site.
It's all about body autonomy w/the right to choose. Somehow women find themselves in the crosshairs of whether or not they've a right to what happens to their bodies yet nobody questions the right to refuse giving blood, platelets, body parts, in life or death.
We're still contesting the right to decide whether or not to follow a pregnancy to the end in this country. Dead people's rights are more of a given. Disgusting.

It is a question about the right to control one's personal self, and the desire of others not to allow such control. My body goes to science. It is a vessel. When is life isn't a real question worth answering. When is consciousness ? How about self awareness, now proven in ants. For a hundred thousand years of human existence, the only right we have had is internal thought. And, probably since the beginning, and most certainly later, that has come under attack with simple brain washing techniques used by all society and all family units. And of course in modern times the government.


Most of the “reasoning” is religious, yes. Some can’t fathom making such a choice so they don’t think anyone else should be allowed to. Some, I think, assume that once a baby is born it will be loved and provided for and don’t comprehend the idea that a child might live a life of neglect or abuse as a result of forcing women to bear children they don’t want.

That is the hypocrisy of the political right evangelicals. Force children to be born, but eliminate programs to help nourish, educate and give those kids a chance at life. Of there turns out to be a hell, which I don't believe, I do believe many would be surprised to find themselves there.

@Beowulfsfriend the pro-birth movement. Once they’re babies they’re on their own.


"Keep Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries" is my favorite button from the 70s. This week, I ordered a bumper sticker:

Keep Your Theology
Off my Biology

i LOVE that!!... i was thinking about getting a fish with the dna...most ppl would prob think.."oh look, another christian".. i didn't even know what it was till i was googing atheist bumper stickers


Living in rural Eastern Washington, I am figuratively giving the finger to supporters of Agent Orange.


Don't think so . Unfortunately the thinking ends at , "How can you murder those innocent unborn babies ." No one thinks about caring for them for the next twenty years . According to the 2015 census report , it now costs over a quarter of a million dollars to raise a child .

They are so many hypocrites who don't even know history. Most of Americas founding fathers were agnostic and many who went to church were, oh my god, Unitarian. The Puritans even allowed abortion. Up to the time of quickening which van come as late as the third trimester. But these people deny truth of history and of course truth of science. And ask how many pro lifers support the death penalty.

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