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So. This is just an question as to motivation because I am just flummoxed as to why Dingus the ex would do this.

Going to divorce this guy October - he wanted this; he cheated; he fled from my house like a Syrian refugee; he moved in with his whore; he doesn't have to pay for his infidelity, my lawyer, court cost, whatever; I hadn't seen hide nor hair of this guy for MONTHS (its been 9 months since he left the skidmarks in his undies and my driveway running away). Now. I see his IP hitting my personal blog, twice and three times a day. I'm assuming he's stalking the Facebook too and whereever else I guess I would be that he could access.

So WHY. WHY? If you were a guy, desperately trying to get away from a woman, then why come back and do this? The blog post hasn't changed in a month and I don't post anything about him or anything of my life back then anymore.

So WHY? I'm fairly.... certain... 88% certain... that his stalking and interest won't go beyond this level of interference, but there is this nagging, niggling little thought that it might. Am I just being paranoid?

onlyduh 7 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Maybe the shiny "new whore" smell wore off, but that's not your problem. He's somebody else's problem now. That whole "be careful what you ask for" thing.
I'd be having some schadenfreude there and not think too much of it unless he's crazy stalkerish, in which case I'd start another blog or something.


Time will tell.

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