Thoughts on Tulsi Gabbard truthspeak?
"We've got to understand that North Korea is holding onto these nuclear weapons because they think it is their only protection from the United States coming in and doing to them what the United States has done to so many countries throughout history."
I don't know if it was "right" for us to take out Gaddafi and Hussein. We can't go back and change things. They were bad people. I agree with her assumption that Kim Jong Un not trusting us is because of out not keeping our word before. I will give her credit for at least bringing up the subject for conversation. Our commander in chief doesn't even seem to understand the problem.
Hi Hope4Zoe,
there could be something in that reasoning,Kim Jong seeing what has happened to Iraq,Libya and is happening in Syria he obviously does not want that to happen to him.Also North Korea is bountiful in minerals which the West would like to get their hands on.and how many other countries have nuclear weapons that there was no outcry by the UN India,Pakistan,Russia,France,UK and the USA all have those nuclear weapons and there was no outcry when the US,Britain and later France tested nuclear weapons in the Pacific endangering the lives of Pacific Nations with radiation fallout.from the atmosphere and under water with leakage from the Mururoa Atoll where the French did their testing.
It is actually simpler and less sinister than this. North Korea was isolated from the rest of the world before the DMZ at the 38th Parallel was established. They have rattled sabers and pounded chests with regularity ever since. It is a gesture of, "Hey, look over here. Don't forget about us. We are a power in the world too."
The sabers have become larger and more complex over the years as they scramble to keep pace with the developed world (a hopeless task). The nuclear angle appeared a few years ago and did gain the attention of South Korea and by default the US. The missiles represent nothing more than another improvement in their saber rattling. Kim Jong-Un was educated in the west and knows full well he can't make so much as a dent outside the peninsula. He also knows without doubt that if he were to try, he would lose what he values most -- and that is the power and wealth he has grown accustomed to. The biggest threat is wandering around in the White House making little kid noises.
Yes, I understand what you're saying, and I do know where the biggest threat is, (same as you wrote) but do you agree with what Tulsi Gabbard is saying about US involvement in Iraq, Lybia, and Iran? Or if you don't agree, why?
@Hope4Zoe -- No argument with Tulsi's remarks regarding Iraq, Iran, and Lybia.