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We did a scavenger hunt on the National Mall today as team building activity! So much fun, but it was hot!!! Anyone else so some thing fun to start the weekend?

GreatNani 8 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I suppose as team-building activities go, it could have been worse - a Ropes course, for example.

We have done that as well. This was better!šŸ™‚


I just got home from the Corrosion of Conformity concert. Buddy of mine has an extra ticket for Zombie/Manson tomorrow, so Iā€™m doing that, too.


I went on a beautiful trail ride with some friends horseback riding. It was a perfect day for it and there were some awesome mountain top views

Nice way to start the weekend!


Attending the 80th anniversary celebration of the movie theater where--for real--I got married back in 2005. The idea was my now ex-wife's to tie the knot in my church, & to have the reception in hers--a library. šŸ™‚


My youngest daughter and I are planning our trip to Dartmoor in Devon, well the planning's been going on for months we leave on Monday morning, 4 nights camping on Dartmoor then 3 nights with my brother and his family. Lots to see and do šŸ™‚

Fun to spend time with your kids! Enjoy.

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