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Finally got my "Beto For Senate" bumper stickers in the mail today. Hope it doesn't go the way of my "Bernie Sanders 2016" bumper sticker which was carefully peeled off and stolen from my car.

It's gonna be an uphill climb for Beto to unseat Ted Cruz but he's giving it everything he's got!

Alvingo1 7 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Love Beto! He's from El Paso, when he was running here, he actually went door to door and asked people what their thoughts were and what kind of changes were they wanting, he actually cares!

That's what I've been wanting to hear... Firsthand accounts of what kind of local politician Beto was before he started getting national attention.

@Alvingo1 I want to know how do I go about getting a sticker and donating to his campaign.

@MichelleGar1 Here you go. There's a link to the "Store" at the bottom. I think I had to create an account first... []

@Alvingo1 thank you so much! Beto is really for the people, he's not a lying politician! I was lucky enough to have him here in El Paso! We really need to get him voted in!


Yay! Good for you, spread the word!


Political bumper stickers is a way to put a target on your back. Another way for people to judge you.

Good point...

I believe we need to speak up and #RESIST !! in all ways possible. The current administration is far more dangerous! Loud and proud!

@CaroleKay we have small arms. They have tanks an F-35s. To resist is futile.


Love Beto! Good for you!

Thanks! Texans traditionally don't show up to vote so that'll have to change in order for Beto to win.


I had my car vandalized because of my Obama sticker. They broke off my antenna and tore off my Obama sticker and put it around the door handle to make sure I knew why my car had been messed with. I haven't put my Beto sticker on yet.

Wow! That's terrible! It's already pretty conservative in the burbs where I am but I'm guessing it might be even worse in Wichita Falls?

I'm still trying to decide whether a Bernie hater stole my bumper sticker in anger or if maybe a Bernie fan stole it in order to have a cool collector's item.

Like I stated above "I believe we need to speak up and #RESIST !! in all ways possible. The current administration is far more dangerous! Loud and proud!" They can burn my car to the ground, it's not going to stop me from fighting for what I believe in.


Cruz is revolting, I really hope people get out and vote for Beto! Had the pleasure of meeting him recently at a town hall in Sugar Land.

Beto impresses the hell out of me. He's smart, personable, articulate, thoughtful, conscientious, caring, etc. He's the complete opposite of a slimy, weasely jerk like Ted Cruz.

@Alvingo1 couldn’t agree more

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