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What movie do you remember most from high school? For me The Godfather.

KateZilla 7 Aug 18

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It was Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet. I was madly in love, and I was a theatre kid. And it was glorious and sexy and romantic. It was so Italian. When I hear the theme, I am instantly transported back to besotted bliss.


I don't remember if it was school of not, but a very influential movie for me was, "inherit the wind", with spencer tracey. it was about the scopes monkey trial. at the time i was already questioning the existence of a superior being (what ever one might consider as being superior). the movie was helpful in channeling my thinking towards my present religious non-beliefs.

it is my feeling, that if there is any powerful force out there which controls creation and has any inkling that we exist, it is trying to figure out where we might fit on it's food chain.


JFK assassination. My freshman year. Sad.


The only movie I saw in high school was "The Ten Commandments," in French, while living in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, when I was 16 years old.

Furthermore, my strict missionary parents almost didn't let us attend because it was so "worldly."


I'd have to say The Godfather was it for me, too.


I remember watching Napoleon Dynamite in calculus class in high school. Our teacher was also the assistant principal, so sometimes he would come in late or have to leave class to deal with an unruly student or something. For some reason, the TV/DVD player was in our room and someone had a copy of the movie. We started watching it at the beginning of the class; we turned the TV off when our teacher/assistant principal came in (we had someone keep a lookout), but the movie kept playing. When he had to leave again, we turned the TV on and kept watching.

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