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Back to school time

Sunsetworshiper 6 Aug 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I home schooled my kids until they were middle school age...mostly because they started reading before they were two, and were reading stacks of library books by four, doing algebra for fun at five. They tested at college level, able to enter a teaching program by 11 years old, so I knew sending them to public school would only frustrate them.

I got divorced about then and they did have to enter public school but they brought their own books to read during class so they wouldn't go crazy with boredom. They teachers were intimidated by them, since they knew more than they did, so let them do what they wanted.


Yep, this is what it like to send your kids to school in America. My Canadian family don’t even think about these the fire drill of course.

Sad for America. I worry every time I take my kid to school.

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