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"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."

Source unknown (often misattributed to Darwin, but inspirational nonetheless)

empirical 6 Aug 18

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Neither is quite accurate. It is the species which has the widest range of attribute variability that survives over time. The wider range means that some of the species are likely to survive over changing environmental conditions.


tell that to christians... they still around.


I am reading that as adaptability is a strength

Yeah. And intelligence is also a strength.
I think they are referring to literal muscle and book smarts. We may need certain kinds of intelligence and strength to survive. Adaptability is just the right combination and the right time.


I continually weave new tapestries, come to problems with different solutions, pull rabbits out iof crazy hats. I love adaptation. Next!

Between you and greatnani. My thoughts exactly


I am reading this more philosophically. Yes, those of us who are able to adapt to new circumstances end up better off than others who can not change their mind set. Great post! I love thinking philosophically!


'Survival of the fittest'. Herbert Spencer. Contemporary of Darwin,


This fast times we all are living in, must reinvent ourselves as often as needed


"Adapt or die".


The truth. Adaptability has been a very important element in my life, given the path l chose to take.


Honestly luck plays a big role as well. The dinosaurs were perfectly adaptable to their climate and small changes to it. But there was that pesky space rock.....


it is the strongest of any species that makes it with the weaker going to predators or rough conditions however if like man, rats, crows and a few other species then you can adapt but in our case, it will be a curse being so big-brained. jellyfish haven't even got a brain and they have thrived for hundreds of millions of years unchanged unlike us.


Another of my mottos:
Adapt or Die.


It's not just adaptability though right? Some species have existed for millions of years. We're naturally adaptable, sure, but it's our use of tools that really set us apart (and made us more adaptable). That was intelligence.

Humans are OP. Since I'm a person main I don't want a nerf but I admit that the server might benefit.

  1. The idea is that intelligence alone isn't enough, it's what you do with it - like make tools. Why? Because they help you adapt.

  2. I didn't understand your second paragraph.

@empirical 1: My rebuttal is that neither is adaptability enough. Not by itself. I think to assign our planet-wide dominance to one evolutionary trait is silly. Even if Darwin himself said it.

2: That's OK!

@Xuande I think the term adaptability includes all the other traits - whatever helps you respond. The statement was a mediation between the old brains v. braun debates. The answer is both have advantages, but neither guarantee success.


Very true. Those that do not adapt, die.

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