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Share a link to a song that you like.
Must have been released in the last five years.

Crimson67 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Ozman Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

David Draimen has some of the best pipes out there. He has such a great controll of his voice.
This is my favorite rendition of The Sound of Silence I've ever heard.
He starts of soft and continues to gain more power.


I am counting on "covered by Postmodern Jukebox" as technically qualifying for "released in the last five years"

godef Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

George Ezra - Paradise

Wow what a voice 😀

Ugh, LOVE George Ezras voice


When I'm feeling pessimistic:

Sometimes I'm more positive:

I love both of these songs!

@Crimson67 ditto


Love them! Going to see them again in November. They put on a great show!


Here's one with rather good lyrics: "My Name Is Human" by Highly Suspect (2016)


Do covers count?

Yeah, they should because when I first heard of it, I was skeptical ... but then but turns out it was brilliant. Definitely has their own mark on it. 🙂

I’m going to form a Disturbed cover band and we’re going to act very annoyed while playing the songs, we are going to call ourselves Perturbed.


@Crimson67 It's one of my favorite songs and I love the video. I share it whenever I can. Glad you enjoyed it.

Wow, @StephC, this is great - I'd never seen it! Austin truly is an oasis in the middle of Texas. I miss living there, and it's nice to be reminded why.

@Lauren I love Austin. The best city in Texas in my opinion.

@StephC I totally agree with you! A bit pricier since the celebs have found it (I could kick myself for not buying a house when it was dirt cheap), but it's keeping it's soul, I think.

@Lauren If I could afford to live there I would. So much good music and food there. I have family there so I try to make it down there at least once a year.

@StephC I would live there again as well, I think, although the hot weather makes me lean to the tropics. Do you make it during SXSW?

@Lauren no I haven't made it down for SXSW yet. I do want to though. We do have a family tradition of going to ACL Music Fest every year though. My son and I go down and hangout for the weekend with my aunt and cousins.

Oh this is excellent!


@Crimson67 Weird Al did it better ?:


There's an intensity to this that I love.


@Crimson67 My favorite music and the young performers of it is from the twenties - thirties era. American music exploded with creativity and it all came from real, living people; as in not from lifeless machines and electronics.

Diana Krall is worth checking out. She is among a handful of rare artists who make themselves about the music; not the other way around. Her phrasing is one-of-a-kind and she's also a superb pianist.


Gets to me every time I hear it.


Mmm… Kate Mara… I'm crushing on her hard. Also, cool song. I'm not sure I'd heard it before.


Sangria, Blake shelton.

GwenC Level 7 Aug 19, 2018

This song immediately came to mind. It was originally written for a commercial (it took three days to write) around 2015.


Simple lyrics, simple melody. I cry whenever I hear it.


I included two in case being a cover of an older song (second one) is not "in the last five years". The first has my favorite drop ever...

Zster Level 8 Aug 19, 2018

I love this group. I don't know how old the song is but I only discovered it a year or so ago.

@kjsgenie Oh I am so jealous. I hope you have a great time. 😀


Cathartic moment on Steven Wilson's, Hand. Cannot. Erase album about a mother trying to come to terms with the deaths of her children in a school shooting....

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