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Ugh!!! Nothing like stepping on a wet spot on the carpet to kick off Sunday morning!

Someone is looking awfully guilty and is now cuddling up to me to try and say, "I'm sorry".

Time to fire up the steam cleaner...

Alvingo1 7 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Aaw! When a dog is that small, there dog relief trays you can buy for when you don't get around to walking them.


In my case, it wasn't just that the dog didn't want to go outside since it was raining last night. It was my daughter too who was supposed to take her out before bedtime! 😛

@CrazyQuilter Exactly! She got a lesson today and had to get on her hands and knees to help clean up her dog's mess.


Yeah, blame the dog!


ohhhh. Poor baby ?


tiny evil

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