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Happy Birthday!

Wixom, Michigan
Here August 19

Homestead, Florida
Here August 19

Davenport, Florida
Here August 19

RockbottomAssRockford, Illinois
Here August 14

Omaha, Nebraska
Here August 14

Chocorua, New Hampshire
Here August 10

Cleveland, Ohio
Here August 9

Syracuse Adjacent, New York
Here August 7

Carmel, California
Here July 27

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Here July 26

Dunnellon, Florida
Here July 26

St austell, Plymouth, UK
Here July 23

Streator, Illinois
Here July 22

San Antonio, Texas
Here July 17

Lakeland, Florida
Here July 16

Covington, Kentucky
Here July 13

Swansea, Cardiff, UK
Here July 13

Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Here July 2

Puyallup, Washington
Here June 29

Arlington Heights, Illinois
Here June 27

Ellsworth, Wisconsin
Here June 26

Cudahy, Wisconsin
Here June 24

Williamstown, Massachusetts
Here June 22

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
Here June 22

Paul628 8 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Happy birthday to us all!


Happy Birthday all!??

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