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Knowing that there is strength in numbers, organized religions have encouraged procreation and indoctrination, while discouraging doubt and questioning. Absolute truths are presented to preclude individual thought and learning.

isaac 3 Jan 17

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I grew up in this type of church. Southern Baptist. Ugh! I was taught that questioning God (the church by default) was the devil's temptation. That never stopped the questions, though! Now here I am, around 8 years after giving up on religion. Lol

I was also raised to be submissive to my husband. Thankfully, I saw through all of it and married a wonderfully understanding and supportive man.


To them it is all about quantity. So many "crank mail" comments in the Freedom From Religion Foundation newsletter highlight this. The problem is we live 🍸 under a Constitution that provided equal rights for all not just the most. At the end of the day which 'majority' gets to rule, Catholics, Protestants (of which there are hundreds' of sects) or some other single group. I say bigger is not better, better is better.

I just read a report in "The Atlantic" that stated more and more jellyfish are taking over the waterways; maybe they will get to rule.


They are almost like cattle being herded in the direction. They try to have ideas of their own and roam off on their own. Impossible, if not difficult, because there is always someone coming at them with a rope and lassoing them back in line with the massive herd.

You're not wrong. Christians are taught that accountability is our responsibility and they're not good friends if they allow their friends to stray, allow their friends to face the "very real possibility of hell." It's so hard to get away from. I lost friends when I left, lots of them, in fact. The people who try to stop people from turning are honestly trying to help. If you honestly believed that your friend would die and face eternal damnation if they turned from god, what would you do? That's what so many people not raised in the church don't understand. It all comes with good intentions. It's brainwashing from the beginning.


Too bad those, "absolute truths", are not true.

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