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Are you a dog person or a cat person? (I'm a cat person)

Redcupcoffee 7 Aug 20

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I am an animal person, all of them.


THIS dog.


Cats. Always been cats. I like dogs, but, like children, only as long as I can give them back to their owners. Perpetual toddlers. I like cats’ ‘you talking to me’ approach to everything. And they’re smarter than dogs (check it out) - try and train a cat to fetch your slippers; they’ll have none of that crap. Dogs have masters/mistresses/owners - cats have staff. Tells you all you need to know.
No more pets for me though since the last one died - I can’t take it anymore.


Dogs all the way. I miss my little Boston. 😟


Dog. I have 2 and they don't jump on the counter, knock things off high places, track in filth well above the floor, plot my assassination, or make me sneeze.


Cat person! Love their attitude! They love you but they need their space, kinda like me! Lol


Introducing Cruz


I love dogs but I am a cat person.
Like a cat I am picky who I love on.


Dogs, Cats, Horses, Cows, Pigs, Coyotes, Hawks, Owls, Turtles, Squirrels,Deer, Turkeys and Bears from a distance.


All animals now...


Dog person! Love them.


Dog person but I have more cats than dogs (because I rescue cats). But really, I’m more a snake and tarantula person.


Owned nothing but cats until I was 35, then got my first dog ever - a 15 pound bundle of pure love named Caesar. He completely stole my heart like no other living thing ever has, and because of him, I am now and forever, a dog person.


I dig both and they both usually dig me, but I’m a better cat owner than dog owner I’m sure. Far less messy/needy and when you have the trust and love of a cat you feel more like you had to earn it. They’re generally discerning lil furballs that know enough to disregard their own shit, and I like that in a person. Id take a neurotic cat over a yappy dog, or Id take a chill dog over a high maintenance cat but it’s usually the other way around in my experience. If all chill factors are equal, cats require less attention and money than dogs so unless I get some money burnin a hole in my pocket or need a dog for a professional purpose, I’m gonna stick with cats.


I dig both, but only have 2 doggies


2 dogs 3 cats 2 ferrets. Love all animals.


I am a one dog owner person. Great friend and companion but you do have have the time for a dog.


Team Cat, here. Have had many over the years starting with Velvet, the seal point Siamese cat-show reject. She started me on my life long love of all things feline. Crazy cat lady fur sure! 😉 I'm down to one now, my rescue Sophie who's now 15. Going forward and wanting to travel may prevent me temporarily from having another, but cats find their way to me somehow. >^..^<


I am an animal lover. Dog, cat, snake, whatever. I have a dog right now and am allergic to cats


Most of my life I have had cats and dogs. When I can again it will be the first thing I do.


All animals - entered college to be a vet, but got side tracked and ended up an engineer.

But if forced to pick one over the other - dogs, specifically larger breeds of dogs that I can walk, hike, and take to enjoy off leash outside.

Reason I don't have a pet now - too much travel. Not fair to either (especially dogs) to be gone often leaving them home alone.


Animals. All animals. Every species. They are my favorites. 🙂
With the exception of human-animals. Because they are the worst.


Dog person.


If I go to any kind of party where animals live , eventually they end up on my lap . I think they like my pheromones .

@Stevil It's not me gravitating towards them , it's them gravitating to me .


I like both but having spent most of my life with cats, and the best most active years dogless unfortunately, I'm making up for lost time. Dogs until I can no longer have one. Also, while my girl would dearly love one she's hideously allergic.

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