Are you a dog person or a cat person? (I'm a cat person)
I am a dog person - two rescues of my own, and one short termer (belongs to kid#2 - I will soon take him to kid#3 at college ). I like cats, but am somewhat allergic to them. I will say when I visit someone with cats, that the cats always seem to really like me!
Cat person all the way. Dogs are great and all, but I prefer cats.
I was always a cat person... Until I was talked into taking Barnie. I would never trade him in on a cat!
I like both. They each have their own unique traits and quarks that make them equally great pets.
Dogs rule cats drool LOL
No really my sister's cat drools all over the place
We've both. I like the 'catitude' of our two the best.
I like them both, but cat's use litter box LoL. I would go with cats.
Cat. My lovely moggy Mooshy helped get me through my angsty teenage phase, Stub a Dub followed me through half a dozen share houses and moved with me to the UK, and now I've got two black cats - Jet and Luna. I dig dogs, they're great, loyal, drooly fun, but cats have got me.
I definitely love cats , but I've also had many different kinds of critters share my home. Never met a creature I don't like - which includes most of the ones that others wish to spray, stomp on, or otherwise abuse...
I believe humans are just another species - not superior in any way (and often inferior ! )!
I love all animals and respect them as my fellow Earthlings. It's the #1 reason why I'm an Ethical Vegan. The animals of the world are here for their own purposes and have the right to live free on the Earth without fear of harm, imprisonment, enslavement, and death at the hands of humans.
My current roommate is a rattie ratato. You can find lots of photos of him on my profile.