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I used to speculate that anybody who had voted for G.W. Bush twice should in some way lose their right to vote at least temporarily. My thought now is that once the actual literal train wreck happens, can there be a consequence for trump voters ? This question in no way is meant to ignore the fact that this is still hopefully a democracy. Too extreme ? Your thoughts.

Switchcraft 7 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Yup, put them on a skewer, and fry them. ?


That would be illegal.
But even after Trump, I dunno if I'll ever again friend the white evangelical friends and relatives I blocked for their Trump-inspired hate memes.


I thought when GWB was first elected, it was the end of the world as we knew it... Then when he was re-elected, I thought it couldn't get any worse... Sigh... Little did I know...

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