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In 2016, the number of people holding multiple jobs was 7.8 Million, meanwhile a study by the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that between 400 million and 800 million of today’s jobs will be automated by 2030. Before too long we might need to consider lowering work shift hours to increase the number of available jobs all the while writing laws to effectively lower the cost of living, but then the population might experience another boom as the current circumstances discouraging reproduction are vastly economical all the while not all children are planned, hence throwing some more controls into the child planning aspect might be necessary. I'd propose a system to where sex offenders if court mandated while 100% of the evidence concludes guilt and there is no room for falsification in said evidence receive mandatory sterilization and pay up to 20 times the cost of the sterilization procedure into a trust that anyone can access as to by choice receive a sterilization themselves free of cost (Or if they are already sterile, simply pay into the trust). This trust would also pay for certain aspects of adoption, orphanage, and foster care reform and be divided accordingly.

    Automating more jobs means less training of human beings in some areas and coincidentally the automation of more jobs can lead to improved housing structures becoming the norm such as 3d printed housing, this however will put certain construction companies out of business so reality it would be wise to expect growing pressure towards modernizing the housing structure types that are built currently, in other words construction companies should take effort to acquire the equipment and resources that would be needed for these new structures and start offering them at the very least as to help train and familiarize their company with such so it can make the transition without much harm. As our climate change takes effect, more and more will FEMA grade housing be of importance and coincidentally there are quite a few FEMA grade housing structures rated for near absolute protection by FEMA that can actually be mostly constructed by automated machinery.

   With the automation of significantly more jobs, one consequence I see coming from such would be a likely consequence of human creativity and individuality having a rather hard to predict shift. This shift would create a need to establish self-actualization as a sort of keystone to society and culture as to ensure that we can continue to move forward and stay within some sort of acceptable parameters in terms of our development as a species. Self actualization is something that not everyone is capable of (People with Cluster B personality disorders for example) and so to stabilize the aspects in society and culture where such would become a keystone I'd recommend a system that utilizes communal guilds for self-actualization and community service with a six month applicant screening process that utilizes a highly social dorm like setting that would be under strict observation. Why community service? As to monitor the goodwill, sense of duty, compassion, and civility of the residents. How would community service fit in? Community service would fit in as a means to create a new sort of currency for housing and utility bills, each resident would be expected to complete from 45 to 65 hours of community service per month and in many cases this kind of community service would cover tasks that simply can not be done by machinery. Of course I have have fleshed this concept out far more than I will be writing here and such is essential for plans to shift society against being in favor of being accepting/complacent of cluster B personality disorder traits and thus eventually push for furthering acquiring data regarding their cures.

    As this is an atheist site, I will also state my proposal on how to deal with religiously motivated terrorism. 

The boundaries between religion and cult would best be redefined as to strip certain ideologies from federal and constitutional protections. If such would bare positive results other countries could follow such a measure.

(1) Has this "religion" been historically known to organize armies with the basic motivation behind such being "religious" supremacy, has the "Religion" in question been known to have hate groups form from it? (2) Does a book commonly deemed to be a worthy life guidebook contain any support for the wrong that has been committed in the name of such? (If there is no worthy life guidebook centered in the middle of such, but instead a person) Does the leader/spokesperson of your "Religion" support any atrocities committed in the name of the "Religion"? (3) Does the leader of the "Religion" promote isolation from non-believers and use something based in fear to unite followers? (1+2 being yes=Cult, 2+3 being yes=cult, 1+2+3 being yes=cult).

A religious reformation would be encouraged for any religious group failing the cult classification test and if a reformation attempt would meet expectations, said religious group could earn back religious classification. The consequence of a set of laws enforcing this standard would be that people would inevitably take the religions where radicalism is a problem less seriously all together especially when this would effectively sell editing a religious text as to being the right thing to do in a sense. There of course would be a significant number of people lashing out in violence over this but it is important not to mention simple enough to sell their violence as evidence of the corrupt influence said laws would be attempting to remove.

Secular_Squirrel 7 Aug 20

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You are making leaps and bounds of logic here that I don't agree with. For example, why single out sex offenders while ignoring murderers, robbers, gangs, etc. Which taken Individually do much more harm than a single rapist.

Community service? That's currently a system in place for sentencing low level crimes so in your scenario everyone would be treated like criminals.

That's enough for now, no time to go further


So when a woman is raped and becomes pregnant from that rape , everyone else gets financial support , except the woman bearing the child ? She can spend twenty years supporting and raising the child , but she gets no financial support ? According to the 2015 census , it now costs over a quarter of a million dollars to raise a child . And she's the one who gets no assistance ? Must be pro life , stupid .

@JustKip His concept included the rapist being forced to be sterilized , at multiple times the cost of an ordinary sterilization . He also felt the additional fees charged a rapist should be used to pay for sterilization of volunteers , as a means of limiting overpopulation . He felt money should go into adoption , orphanages , and foster care . But nothing is to go to the support of a child of rape , if the mother raises it on her own . Sorry you didn't bother to actually read the post .

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