Sooo, open question:
Does religion (or supernatural beliefs) create, exacerbate or are the result of mental problems?
I used to think that the correlation was not as strong, but the more I see violence like terrorism and incidents like this, the more I think that the link both of them is much more stronger and probably being a believer should be added to the list of delusional/psychotic maladies. []
People that need to talk about religion all the time, Definitely might be candidates for , some kind of Mental disorder
I worked at Western State Mental Hospital in Washington state for 5 years and I always used to laugh when the psychiatrist would say that the patient suffers from religious delusions I couldn't help thinking to myself isn't that everyone who is religious
OR... does fundamentalism tend to draw people that are more disturbed and mentally unstable. It's kind of a 'chicken or the egg' scenario (although we know the egg came first). Mythology (which all religion falls under) has given us some amazing stories, while at the same time allowing us to look deep into the human psyche. These stories give us perspective amid the chaos that constantly surrounds us, and help us find a place to step when all we have are dark nights.
It's been suggested by sociologists that "religion" is our default program since we've been chasing after the gods since we first became conscious. Evolutionary, it was a way to... well... make sense of the chaos. It was the mind's way of giving us a reason to keep pushing forward even in the face of adversity. Without it, the species probably would have died out long ago. It's one of the side-effects of consciousness.