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Is anyone here plagued by migraines?

rosscann 5 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Ugh... sll the way back to age 5, at least. In the last 8 years or so, they became a 24/7 phenomenon if I don't take meds. I hate it, but do keep them largely at bay.

Zster Level 8 Jan 17, 2018

Not personally but my ex partner had migraine almost every day and had done for years. Very debilitating. It made holding down a job almost impossible. For the last couple of years she has been having botox treatment. This didn't stop the migraines but because the muscles in her neck, face etc were paralysed from boots the pain was much less severe -at least that's how I think it works


From the time I began high school until ten years after I graduated from University I would regularly get attacked by migraine headaches. they would always begin with blurred eyes. I would suddenly have the sense that areas of my eyes had no vision; it was very disorienting, but that was my sign that a severe headache was on its way. after years of experimenting I determined that taking aspirin helped to shorten the difficulty. I would need to be in a quiet dark room to essentially sleep off the terror of a severe headache accompanied by nausea. since that last migraine that I suffered at work when I was about 35 I have not had a single migraine. I seem to have grown out of it!?! today when I was playing ping pong with some friends the eye thing began to happen. now I just calmly left the noisy area and got a drink of water and sat down and meditated by myself. after about 15-20 minutes the symptoms had lifted and I was back to playing ping pong.....particularly well I might add.
I live near Chinatown in Chicago so the Park District where I play table tennis has the best players in the city. its great fun and we are all getting better by the week.

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