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I take the bus into work sometimes; the commuter buses I ride are double deckers. I always sit up top on the side where I can look down into the cars. There are so many people who text and drive its insane! And they try to hide it so it's even more dangerous in my opinion. (Holding the phones low, looking down to the side) its disheartening. But then I see a nose picker and it puts a smile on my face...

pepperjones 8 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I watched a guy walking down the street texting.He walked into a Bus Stop Pole! Instant egg on forehead ,brilliant!??

Coldo Level 8 Aug 24, 2018

Every time I rode a bus in Seattle, I was way too busy watching the crazy folks on the bus to notice the crazy people off the bus. Some of the best almost free entertainment I've ever experienced!


Shoot...have I been caught while nose picking at traffic lights.

Same. Something about a red lights makes me have boogers.


OH, yes! And how about those morons who text while walking across the street? They wander along in a little dream world....and I have to really restrain myself from HONKING LOUDLY as they dawdle past.


Phone checkers are one of my biggest pet peeves. You can always tell who’s sitting on their phones at stop lights and causing trafffic flow issues because they can’t be bothered to attention.


I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this post... it would have been disastrous. ?


I like your sense of humor! That is awesome, I am a people watcher too, nose picking is usually the Oscars of people watching!

@pepperjones those are over the top, right up there with pit sniffers.


I enjoyed my time working on an ambulance when I could look down into cars and see what the driver was doing ... or having done to them.


To “iPause” is to check your phone at a light, The part that actually irks me is tons of people leaving way too much room between them and the car in front of them because they want to check their phone so badly they can’t even pull up to where they should be in the road before they start checking, so they stop basically in the middle of the road. I’m guilty of the iPause but I come to a complete stop where I should be first, is that too much to ask?

I'd rather they were several car-lengths behind me then two inches from my bumper!

@LucyLoohoo I still follow the guideline of I can still see the rear tires of the car in front of me but any closer and I wouldn’t, that’s easy if they put the phone down... if not then let’s hope you get the two inches. One should always be checking the rear view mirror as you come to a stop in case the person behind you isn’t slowing down. ... sorry, I learned to drive from a trucker🙂 .


It is dangerous to text and drive and illegal in some states.


Nobody can look cool picking their nose. Snoop maybe but...


I see people use their phones whilst driving every day. There have been many fatalities due to this, but stiffer penalties don’t seem to be a deterrent. It must be possible for manufacturers of these cell phones to programme them to have their signal blocked whilst a vehicle is in motion,


A nose picker...... Thanks sis, I am having lunch ??????????????


Ah, the joys of analog life. I'm feeling downright nostalgic. One of my favorites: someone caught singing along to the radio.

I do that all the time!

@pepperjones @nottheonlyone Yep, I do that as well. I air-band quite a bit too.

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