Finding love on Agnostic, update. So I get it. I don't think people end up on this site without a healthy sense of skepticism. I've not updated or posted (bragged?) about finding love because I wanted to let things with #KelKat and I...simmer. But here's the deal, the deal is real. We're getting married in October and she's moving here. I know. It's sudden, we don't know each other that well, blah, blah, blah. I was with my ex for four years before we got married and I had more concerns about that than what we're about to do. So I know the naysayers will say their nays and that's cool but from my perspective, off is the direction in which they can fuck.
Congrats! That's great. Hope things work out well for you!
Life is too have to go with it when your gut tells you to! Best of everything to you both. ?
Very nice in deeeeed.. You know, we look a little alike. She doesn't by chance have a twin sister? ???