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If anyone out there is also a vegetable gardener, I would be glad to share or trade tips and techniques. I have been gardening for over 40 years in Florida, Illinois, and Kansas. The tactics vary considerably in different locations.

wordywalt 9 Jan 18

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Shit I can kill cactus and plastic flowers 😛


I am a keen gardener of all sorts, I am in the subtropics do herbs, citrus, even coconuts and grapes, so quite diverse, also run our local community gardens. Love to swap notes

In Florida, I grow 3 gardens a year. In the spring, I grow green beans, potatoes, yellow crookneck squash, and tomatoes. In the summer I grow a variety of southern field peas called acre peas. In the fall and winter I grow cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, ,and carrots.

When I lived in Kansas I also grew butternut squash and acorn squash..

@wordywalt I do similar in one of my gardens,it has pineapples continuously, April I plant garlic in it and harvest them in December, in December raspberries come up, I harvest them in April. I have some raised gardens for herbs and occasional vegetables, but it is pretty much a food jungle, grapes are driving me nuts at present, and we have to trim a passionfruit weekly. All good though, we mostly have an over abundance, have not bought fruit or vegetables for about 2 years, maybe a bit more. We barter a bit, we don't grow mangoes or bananas due to lack of space but friends do, I donate a lot to our community centre which runs a pantry, in exchange I get apples.

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