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So I posted a response on a religious video that strongly reflected my views on religion. I know that sometimes my Facebook friends will get notifications that I responded. My mom responded to my response asking why I would post something that can hurt somebody. I can't see how my opinion of the bible can hurt her. Yes, I used fuck and bullshit in my response. It wasn't her video I responded to...I just don't get it

Here is the post...

Cabsmom 8 Aug 27

Enjoy being online again!

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You’re our future; actually, you’re your future. When I read such statements on facebook, they give me hope; not for your parents ..but for humanity. Stay strong.

Varn Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

I defriended and blocked all admitted Trump followers on Facebook, including close relatives.

If I see a religious post on my Facebook page, I usually refute it in the comments and if the poster protests, I block them also.

If the poster is some clueless, sweet person I sometimes just hide the comment, or "unfollow" them.


It's sad when people identify with their beliefs so strongly that criticism of those beliefs or even of an inanimate object is a personal attack to them.

JimG Level 8 Aug 28, 2018
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