How do you increase your level? I am not sure i understand the rules on here yet. Just joined today...
Click you your profile, then click on the points you earned so far (next to you levle number). The next screen shows all the way you can ern points to advance to the next level, and how many points you earned so far doing what activities.
At level 8, so far they have sent everyone who asked for one a free T-shirt.
The lowest level shave to have messages approved by someone at a higher level. This pretty much discourages haters and computer spoofed profiles. The site is still growing and building and is almost a year old now.
At the top of this page, click on About. With the drop-down list, click on FAQ (frequently asked questions).
Look for the question, "How are levels determined?"
In the middle of that paragraph, click on the blue "Levels page" link.
So I have ranked up after posting and commenting and filling out my profile and so on. I believe it is all about your engagement.
well points for joining in discussions making posts etc can do levels 1-7 in 4-6 wks then the rest of your life to get to level 8 theres a mythical level 10 someone will no doubt get there one day and then explode with excitement welcome to the site hope you have a good time
Oh and welcome aboard you'll find we're a very nice Community here
Fill out your bio that will give you points make posts that will give you points and respond to other people's post that will give you points and then just do that for a long long long long time
And add some photos . And post to other sites to invite others to join us here . Start new groups .