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Hrmmm. Interesting talk, POTUS.

DoctoralZombie 7 Aug 28

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I wonder if there are any working brain cells among that religious group, to know he was lying about changing the law allowing churches to endorse candidates.
Gullible and obedient, Christians make great pawns for the powerful.


Just another day in donaldland...

I think it's pretty funny that the folks in the meeting denied what he said. Gotta love secret recordings...

@DoctoralZombie In this day and age if you really think you can maintain secrecy you are a fool or brain dead! In the case of tRUMP. I really think both apply!

@DoctoralZombie I think it is telling that there seems to be widespread distrust among those dealing with the orange. His attempts to block media scare me.

@itsmedammit He is the antithesis of everything I value.

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