Let's play a game of I'm so agnostic..
I'm sooo agnostic that the first time I heard "God fearing" I was 22 and literally laughed out loud and thought the person was joking. Needless to say that was an awkward explanation after the fact!
I also used to make a little "guide to free thinking" brochure and keep it next to the door for the jehovah's witnesses and after hearing them out I would begin my pitch..?✌
How long have you been agnostic?
Whats your funny story about being agnostic?
Have you ever had an awkward moment defending your perspective to someone hyper religious?
I'm an agnostic-atheist. I think it would be much more appropriate for it to be "I'm so atheist" because many religious people question their faith making them technically also agnostic.
I was not raised in religion, but my aunt tried taking me for a short while. I was probably in 2nd or 3rd grade and I remember them saying once that someone is always watching you (they may have said watching over you, but that's what I remember. Also, that's creepy) my little science nerd brain totally missed the god connection and instead went to "oh, so statistically, there are so many people, there is always someone around you." I didn't say it out loud, but I still think it's funny that that's where I went with that. I quit going not long after. I think my mom got tired of arguing with me about getting up early and wearing a dress every Sunday. ?
lol... my mother did too... me and my sis would 'skip' sunday school and hang out. i never wanted to get up early on a weekend to be somewhere i really didn't have to be. still don't
I’m so agnostic, I leave xtians speechless. They ask me where I’m going to spend eternity? Very concerned for my lost soul. So I answer;!my souls is going the same place yours is. :::mouth having open, thanking in through. ?
Love it and I'm so stealing that !