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Women how do you like today's Style with men with shaved or cropped hair and long beards? Or do you prefer a different style?

HardBlues69 7 Aug 29

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I think most fellas choose a style that looks good on their face shape, fits the persona they wish to reflect, and/or is practical for their lifestyle. By the time guys get to a certain age, they have most likely realized what styles get them the most compliments or the kind of attention they are seeking or avoiding. I don't really see the point in a really long beard, but I live in a warm climate where that's pretty rare. A nicely trimmed beard usually is eye catching. But all in all, it's the whole package, confidence and a sparkle in the eye that is more important than a hair/beard style.


All depends on the fella. What he likes and looks good wearing. Though someone with well groomed long hair and a beard will likely turn my head ! "man-buns" work for me too.


I've always liked what looks good on a man. Long hair or bald if well cared for and he is comfortable. I love mustaches and some beards . i like them trimmed around the mouth..

EvaV Level 7 Aug 29, 2018

Long hair well groomed is sexy to me but many guys my age no longer can carry off that look due to thinning hair. It's just personal preference for me, but I prefer clean-shaven. I feel like with a lot of men my age when their hair starts thinning on top, they compensate by growing a beard. I'm totally fine with a balding man who embraces it instead of doing a comb-over. No problem with that at all. My facial skin is very sensitive and when I have dated guys with beards I find I get breakouts and irritation. I love running my lips over the cheek of a smooth-shaven man. It's just my preference. Most of the men in my age group who are single and looking seem to have beards. More power to them, but it's clean-shaven for me, and always has been. At most, a small Van Dyke or something. No Santa Claus! 🙂


I like long hair on guys, always have, and I like beards and mustaches, my late husband had it all. sigh

This is an old picture. Enjoy.


I have always liked long hair on guys then I met Dan. Its the total perrson not the hair.


I love shaved heads. Also love beards (or any facial hair). But I can be attracted to men of any style. What I don't like are men who look expensive and high maintenance.

I like the way you think. ☺


Intellect is incredibly sexy. That being said, everyone has something that appeals to them. I’m attracted to the typical clean cut.. shaved face, short hair or even bald. Smells great and dresses well.


The shaved head with a wild bushy beard , seems kind of upside down to me . But I guess you have to go with what you've got .


I think a short beard that is nicely kept. Long enough to be soft and not prickly. And nice smelling. I have encountered stinky beards in the past! I don’t have a preference on hair.

the question remains - how short is short enough?


For me it is going to be their personality, chemistry between us and commomnality... Chemistry is 90%
I like mustache and beard but trimmed. I like a shaved head, long or short but must smell nice and sweet

EvaV Level 7 Aug 29, 2018
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