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Anyone feel alone and find it hard to connect with people? I know I am not unique but I do find it hard to make connections with people that are worthwhile and meaningful.

Maybe I'm just an odd duck... and maybe this is what it sounds like when doves cry.

DarthChocolate 4 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I have some great people in my life, but because I tend to be such a loner, I don't mingle with any of them too often.
I have to take humans in small doses !


I’m not incredibly outgoing and have always had a hard time making friends. I have a very small, tight group of friends who accept me and my beliefs. Keep true to who you are and don’t change for anyone. There are meet up groups for humanists to get together that I do as my schedule permits. Best wishes and odd is fabulous.


I feel alone most of the time, because I am. Saying what I think when around others, though, keeps me connecting with humanity at all levels. You’d likely be surprised how many people are thinking nearly the same thing as you in most situations, but afraid to share their thoughts. Apparently, you aren’t, and goofy is good. Just be yourself, and you’ll attract those appreciative of you.

As for me, I’m new to ‘alone,’ but letting life fill the void 🙂

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2018

People are selfish dicks. People also don't like to be alone. While at university, i spent all my time at a screen or in a book. I lost all social ability and didnt know what or even how to say anything interedting. Afterwards I adopted the fake it till you make it strategy. Found just putting myself out there, allowing myself to be vulnerable and accepting failure was a successful strategy. Join a club...go to a Universal Unitarian meeting...volunteer just takes one connection.


I think it can definitely be hard. Finding your community is a way to meet people. So for me, I can find girl programmers or stats nerds. I just joined a gay book club. So, what is a real interest you have? There will be others who share it. Go out and join them doing the thing. You will from the start have something in common with them that way.

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