5 10

I haven't laughed this hard in weeks. Enjoy!!!

KKGator 9 Aug 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh he was the best!



I sure miss Robin Williams🙂

Me, too.


It's 6.42 am and I'm exhausted already after watching this. ???


and he only got better as he 'grew up' LOL:

I should have known better than to be drinking coffee while watching that clip. Luckily, it was just a fine spray onto the screen, rather than dumping the entire cup on the keyboard, and I didn't kill the laptop.

I miss Robin, and I miss Craig's show.
Thanks for sharing that.

@KKGator I watched both but never sipped my coffee without pausing. Yes I miss these great men of comedy. Good way to welcome the day TY you started it!! 🙂

@KKGator Always enjoyed his late night talk show. There is something natural going with how he conducts himself. The episode were he became a US citizen was priceless. Proud Scottish dude and grateful about being American. Cool dude, no doubt


Damn, that brings back some memories. I think that show aired a few days after my older child was born.

JimG Level 8 Aug 30, 2018
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