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"Did you make God smile today?" - I saw this on a sign on the way to work. Since then I've been pondering - what exactly would make God smile? Does he have a sense of humor - and if so what kind? Are you supposed to tell jokes, moon him, what is required to make God smile?

exilesky 7 Aug 30

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Since WE are our own gods, I suppose anything that makes us laugh is what makes "god" laugh also.


The way ‘he’s’ allowed millions to die in horrific ways … I’d suspect he’s as narcissistic as Hitler or trump.. I’d envision ‘him’ frowning at whatever makes healthy people smile … and vice-versa.. So here ‘god’ - take this 😀

Varn Level 8 Aug 30, 2018

If God (if there was one) has a sense of humor, it is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY dark.


It seems that the thing that makes God smile is to grovel and kiss his a$$!


Sense of humor? I think not. But a sadistic bastard? yes.

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