It's Sunday morning I've fed the dog and let her out, fed the cat and they're both asleep (separate rooms, still not friends) fed the kids, loaded the dishwasher and put a load of washing on. Can I please go back to bed now? ? Also how am I the only one who hears the dog howl for breakfast and has the cat attacking her toes in the morning? Are there any rules about this?
Whose toes is the cat attacking? and no there are no rules and there is no justice when kids, pets and house maintenance is concerned. It just is
The cat and the dog rely on you for food and comfort. The other family members are consistent in providing for these needs. I have a cat that waits for me to let it outside because it knows that I will listen for it to ask to come back in. I had a dog for many years that always came to wake me up in the morning. I had to get up very early for work at he time and the dog figured out that I could be counted on to let it out on its run. If I slept in, the dog would lie down or sit on the floor next to my bed until I got up. Pets learn who cares consistently and rely on that person for basic needs. Congratulations, your pets have elected you to be their caregiver!
Same in my home..the dog could start howling at any time of the night or morning...we take turns to deal with her various always feels like you're sleepwalking...walking into walls..stepping on Lego..stumbling over a pair of discarded stilettos (not mine)..and calming down a princess dog...pleading..and begging..for a few hours of unbroken sleep!