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Here's what we're up against folks (well most of you folks anyway)

Here is an excerpt from a dating profile I just read on POF:
"Sometimes I feel I don’t fit in this society. Too much hatred, anger, evil and ignorance... I find it very sad...
P.S. I'm an independent conservative... If you voted for the kenyan, it's not going to work. .. ."

I had to write back telling her that if she thinks he's Kenyan then she is part of the problem. The issue is that these people think they are the sane ones. No different than an addict not recognizing their addiction. How can you not see the hatred and ignorance of believing Obama was born in Kenya? Even many staunch conservatives had to agree that was b.s.. Anyway, if you think convincing them that god was illusory was a challenge, try telling a racist that trump isn't god.

lerlo 8 Sep 2

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She sounds simply charming !


You misinterpreted in implying that a Kenyan, parenting a child anywhere in the world not be called a Kenyan.

Yes totally my interpretation... that wouldn't make her a racist or against Africans would it?


Speechless. Sorry you wasted time answering her

No waste. She's not allowed to get away with that unscathed

@lerlo good idea. But they never hear you.

@GreatNani and they probably can't read either but ya have to try πŸ™‚

@lerlo good point!

@GreatNani which gets back to my original point of how difficult it is to deal with the irrationality


Funny how hatred, anger, evil and ignorance are vilified by the very people that embody it. They are truly blind to who they are and who they worship.

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