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Why is it that good-looking babes nowadays are attracted to big bad guys wearing tattoos and riding Harleys??

GregAndrews 5 Sep 5

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Women are instinctively attracted to men with a high level of male hormones, since they're more fertile than the nerdy types.

But the dilemma is that the nerdy ones make more money, so studies show that when a certain percentage of women start to become fertile, they first have a lot of sex with their husbands, but don't have an orgasm, which increases the likelihood of pregnancy, then at the peak of their fertility, "accidentally" have casual sex with the sexy gardener or personal trainer who has the superior sperm count.

They aren't even aware they're doing it, or why, seeing it as "just happening." But our bodies only have ONE get us knocked up.

Multiple studies show that birds do the same thing, with females taking mates from the males with the most territory, but sneaking off before dawn to do a bit of side loving to hedge their genetic bets with younger, untried males.


I have not one but two motorcycles and no good looking babes...... Damn it, am I missing the tattoos???????


How do you know tattoo wearing guys who ride Harleys are bad guys?

Good point, can't wait to see responses here.....


Pfft. Women have a variety of tastes. Some are attracted to Bad Boys and some figure out that this is not a Good Idea and some do not figure it out. Some get lucky and find an actual nice guy with a bad guy exterior.

But personally I've never felt it productive or helpful to blame the vicissitudes of my love life on Other People, be they bad boys or whatever. That's just a watered down form of incel thinking.


Nowadays? Its always been that way. It is usually the 2nd or 3rd marriage before they figure it out.


The “bad boy” has always been appealing to some women.

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