Tiny little quibble here, and i am not making judgments about people's spelling in general, but if one is going to be an atheist, shouldn't one be able to spell "atheist"? "athiest" looks like a superlative, not a declaration or irreligiosity! (to be fair, i see christians declare themselves "christains" all the time!)
It's texting never stressed the little stuff that gives you heartburn
it is not about texting and i was not complaining about bad spelling in general -- just one word we choose to use to identify ourselves in the context of this site. it bespeaks a lack of attention. that goes well beyond texting, or even spelling.
Poor grammar and spelling make you look ignorant and stupid.
"So here we are in the era of Word's red-underline "wrong spelling, dumb ass" feature and Outlook's Always Check Spelling Before Sending option, and still the mistakes proliferate."
"10 Flagrant Grammar Mistakes That Make You Look Stupid"