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Just wanted to share a little story.
My son Eli works full time in a small pet store while he's attending college full time.
About a month ago he received a call at the store from a woman with a story and a plea; her daughter needed dog food but was unable to come out and pick it up herself. She was struggling and her Mom wanted to try and help her out; could Eli bring the dog food to her daughter's house?

Thinking about a hungry dog Eli paid $60 for the food out of his own, lean wallet. He then drove to the daughter's home after work at 10pm and gave her the dog food.

When he related the story to me that night I was pleased with him, of course! But unhappy about the personal expense - he said 'Maybe she'll pay me back, but the dog is fed anyways!'

Guess what came in the mail today?
A check for $100 and a thank you note.

I'm glad that my boy wasn't let down.
I'm even more glad that he wouldn't have felt let down.
Put out in the world what you wish to get back, often you won't get any reward and it shouldn't matter.
But when you do it rocks 🙂

AmiSue 8 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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27 comments (26 - 27)

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That was beautiful thanks for sharing.


How did they know his address?

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