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RE: How would you handle this? First off, thanks for all the helpful advice and supportive comments. He told me that they broke up this morning. She started berating him via text, and saying that it made her "sick to her stomach" that he still had contact with me, and that she felt like he was "emotionally cheating" on her. He said that she had been wanting to break up with him all week, and so he indulged her. He told her "go ahead, he didn't care". Give it up to him, because in the past he would put up with bullshit like that in order to not be alone, but now he thinks that he's better off alone for now. It's given me pause, because I know that he broke up with her on his own accord, but I feel a little guilty because we are emotionally bonded. In a way, I feel like I drove this woman to distraction because of my friendship with him. But my friend is also an idiot, because he rushes into commitment so fast, and he never takes the time to know these women which causes drama. I wish he wasn't like that, but what can you do?

Stepmomofdragons 7 Sep 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Some folk never learn, and have bad luck in love.


I believe drama is only good on the big screen. Life is too short. I know a substitute teacher that occasionally show up at my school. She almost always has a life filled with drama. I tell her if she doesn't like drama, she really should find different people to hang with. as drama is a product of the company she tends to keep. If you like real-life drama, maintain your current circle of company.


Yeah. She played her psycho card to no avail.

Someone trying to control your friendships after two weeks is a huge danger sign and that is not something that will get better.

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