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Two Jehovah's Witness women just stopped by. They were attractive. I was tempted to let them in. LOL . Some people fake orgasms. I could probably fake interest!

Shelton 8 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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That would be hilarious. And two of them! Score!

@Shelton I don't know about that... Lol


How good are you with Biblical knowledge. JWs tend to know the Bible and their beliefs better than most but not that much better. It might be fun to get into a discussion if you know enough to honestly engage them. You never know how far you might get.

gearl Level 8 Sep 6, 2018

They are the ones with ridiculously low number of people that will actually make the so called "paradise cut." Right? 110,000 or something like that.

@BufftonBeotch yes. 144,000

@BufftonBeotch Actually they believe that 144,000 will go to heaven but billions of people will receive paradise on earth. It's ridiculous either way but that is what they believe. I was a member till I was almost 40 and had this BS ingrained into my psyche for too many years.

@Shelton Hell, go for it if they come back.

@gearl Were you "disfellowshipped" or is that something not done anymore.

That is a very cult thing to completely cut a person off from even speaking to them if they decide to leave a religion.

I knew someone that went through this, but probably in the 70's.

He was still a teen though, and by the rules his own father was not supposed to talk to him except for basic household crap.

@BufftonBeotch I was disfellowshipped about 1982, a long time ago but I know that it is a thing still done. It is a very cult thing and I do now consider them definitely a cult. JWs predicted that Armageddon was coming about 1975 so a whole lot of folks left after that. When I left I lost my entire family so it wasn't pleasant. Later I started a new life which was much better than anything I ever had before.

@gearl i think many Amish and other related sects are abandoning the "shunning."
It is something cruel to all involved.


I get the physical part but I find psychosis in women even attractive ones a big turn-off

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