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I often hear people referring to god as "she." that's nice, isn't it? an imaginary woman instead of an imaginary man. but instead of responding "well, there is no god," i generally respond "if god were a woman, men would menstruate."


genessa 8 Sep 6

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Well if you are going to have a creator it makes more sense from a human position to consider that creator feminine. I recall thinking long about this concept when I first heard it.

Actually, if one were going to consider worshipping anything the Sun makes most sense to me. But I still won't follow that religion either, just saying it makes sense.

i can dig it. given the prevailing mythology, despite the noncorporeal and gender-fluid nature of the jewish god, god as most americans perceive that to be is male. it makes more sense the way you put it, but the mythology doesn't make sense on SO many levels. my chosen answer is meant to stop the conversation as it assumes the existence of SOME god of SOME gender. it isn't meant to be taken seriously!


@genessa being raised Catholic I remember being fascinated by the concept of a female creator. It was one of the first obvious arguments against Catholicism so I have a fondness for the idea, I suppose.

@Deanervin lol you see, we come from such different perspectives! and yet somehow we both realized that there is no god (or goddess). of course gods and goddesses are fascinating creatures. my favorite god isn't even a god; he's a titan. his name is prometheus. he's no more or less real than any other deity, but he's cool.


@genessa first thing that came to my mind after reading your last response was Cthulu. That was one I found interesting.

@Deanervin ah yes i can see why! maybe i chose prometheus, or he grabbed me, however it happened, for the same reason (whatever that may turn out to be) that i don't cry at dramas when something bad happens, but when someone is kind i burst into tears.


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