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Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel

The phenomenon of patriotism is a recondition for war.

Seeing people bowing to a piece of cloth is really rather concerning.

PontifexMarximus 8 Sep 7

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I don't see a problem with patriotism, if one really values the ideas of their nation and those ideas are good. Patriotism to me is feeling proud of my country for its good. I'm not saying the United States is now good, but its founding principles were good. I see a problem with nationalism, though. Nationalism is more like, "my country, right or wrong."

America was founded on genocide and slavery. the founding principles such as manifest destiny are abhorrent and vile.

@dellik America was founded on the principles of reason, individual rights and freedom from coercion. The founders made mistakes, as did everyone on earth in those days, but those founding principles eventually lead to the abolition of slavery. Those principles also lead to the elimination of poverty in this country and everywhere else they were practiced.


I was lucky. I grew up without patriotic antics. The Nazis had tsught the Germans a good lesson. Unfortunately aging Germany is developing dementia and forgetting these valuable lessons.

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