I hear (see) christians talk (type) as if the opposite of christianity is atheism and vice versa. that's so self-centered! (i see us do it a little too, but i figure an awful lot of us -- not me, as it happens -- come from christian backgrounds.) if you're not a christian, you must be an atheist. if you stop being an atheist you'll be a christian. there are no other religious choices! of course, if one is an atheist (i am) then all gods are equally nonexistent, so i am not complaining that other religions are being discounted because i want to defend one or another of them. i am complaining that other religions are being ignored because it's annoying that christians are so self-centered! (and that's the least of their problems, too!)
For the same reason that they think we are atheists because we are angry at god or were mistreated by a religious figure. They are so indoctrinated into their religion and naîve to the rest of the world they don't grasp that there is any alternative to christianity.
They are terrified to even consider the possibility that god does not exist, and cannot imagine the possibility that we were not created by a supernatural being to fulfill a special purpose that it has for us.
this is all true of course but slightly misses my point, which is not that christians can't imagine that atheists are right, but that they can't imagine that any religious alternative to christianity isn't tantamount to atheism.
I seem to remember seeing on wiki that it was over 300,000 gods/goddesses so no problems really take your pick I rather like Loki the mischievous one but not into lal that really just momenarily took my facy I hav enever had a god and never wanted one @ 70 yrs old I'd have to go ga ga to change my mind.
All religions believe they are the one true path, so if one does not believe that. They are an atheist, at least in the believers mind. The opposite is not quite true, is it. Heehee
not really. judaism does not have that attitude, although individual jews may not understand that, just as scads of christians don't understand the basics of their own religion (god aside). judaism doesn't proselytize, doesn't dictate that you have to be a jew to be a good person or to go to heaven (different concept of heaven from the christian one too but that's another story) or anything like that. judaism dictates that judaism is true for jews. that's why the jews have 613 commandments for jews and seven for nonjews. but i will grant that MOST religions consider themselves the one true religion!
@genessa yes, I agree, should've stated I was speaking generally lol. Sometimes I forget to type all the words I'm thinking
@Cutiebeauty tell me about it! haha sometimes my guy gives me a look, and later swears he told me something he never mentioned. i suspect when he gave me the look he thought his lips were moving too!