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Are you more artisic or logically minded?

Alliekat 4 Jan 22

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Im more artistic however there are very logical artists who excel at pattern work and projects. I am more gutsy and irreverent. I like to destroy as well as create.


Can I be both?


I'm far from artistic and unfortunately not always logical. In other words I guess I must be more logical despite some feelings in that area.


I’m not entirely confident on how to answer that.

I’d prefer to believe logical, but my talent is creative writing.


Mirth Level 4 Jan 22, 2018

As an engineer, think it helps to be logical. I do play with a celtic band, so there is also some artistic part. As I have a minor in mathematics, maybe that is part of the music deal.

Hey,my brother-in-law also plays in a Celtic band......Gallowglass


A combination of both best describes me.


I'm more of an abstract thinker. I have had a hard time learning critical thinking (which I believe is based in logic) but I will say I'm much better off having struggled to develop critical thinking skill than had I never tried.


Logically minded, of course.

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