Are you more artisic or logically minded?
60/40 in favor of art. Having strong logical and analytical skills lends amazing power to the artistic engine, I find. I'm extremely happy with my balance.
I think I'm a bit of both. I love doing the brain tests, and it tells me that I am dead center between the right and left lobes.
Depends do you fall at 32 feet per second or would rather I write a poem for you.
i take as long as possible to fall.
I fall at 9.8 meters per second squared * time until I reach my terminal velocity, just like everything else in free fall over the earth...
@shockwaverider lol he said free fall.
@shockwaverider caught that did you.
I avoid falling whenever possible. The results are not enticing.
I don't have an artistic bone in my body.
piano, dance, ....anything? my experience, everyone can draw, and draw well. it amounts to a little decent instruction and lots of practice. just like many skills. but you really gotta want it.
fair i wanna convert everyone to art stuff it seems.
@KKGator re: "Even my stick figures are pathetic." That's the line I've always used to describe my artistic talents Great minds think alike! And apparently, so do ours!
Please, don't assume I'm being egotistical here. I am 100% of both, depending upon the circumstances, that can be mixed and matched for the conditions and the required results. My thinking is mainly done in images and I am more than able to illustrate what I think.
I am a composer of music, a writer of songs, a lyricist, a poet, a singer and musician. I am a competent mechanic, naval architect, boatbuilder, engineer, applied physicist, and astronomer. I write Science Fiction in novel length and short stories. I write in other genres as well. I write science articles and presentation papers. I am an artist who works in all media. I am a sculptor and a precision model maker. I have designed and built massive ships and custom yachts. The list is longer, but hidden somewhere in this mixture is the answer to your question. Most importantly, I love everything I do and throw my all into it.
I take a logical approach to art. I love studying the mechanics of music, scales, chord progressions, etc.
I'm far too logically minded. My natural disposition is to analyse people or situations. It's a very bad habit and doesn't make me many friends. The joys of growing up in a pub with a mother who was a psychiatric nurse.
Logical, engineer type. Some people look at my photographs and say I am artistic. I'm not even sure what that means in this context.
Um Both. Art is life isn't it. Anything you say or due can be presumed as Art. With that being said thinking logically is being Artistically minded.
The arts has been the center in my world. The arts and cultures lived much longer than Religion. The Arts is the greatest influential tool mankind has ever known, let's not loose it.
Art has no value for me. I cannot have sex with it, cannot eat it, nor is it a tool. Besides all that, a starving man has never crawled into a museum to look at the art as he starved to death (no public money should be spent for art).
If they replaced arts and culture for Religion, I would agree in a heartbeat. Creativity must explore, not dictate.